ac.p. Rumen Sazdov

Rumen Sazdov was born in 1959 in the spa town of Kyustendil, in Bulgaria. He was influenced by the artistic environment from an early age, his mother - a puppet theater director - took him behind the scenes and in front of them. The father, a strict accountant, wanted his son to be a sailor, but the mother recognized his artistic inclinations, which she supported. After the art gymnasium in Sofia, the art academy in the city of Veliko Tarnovo followed, specializing in figure painting.

Rumen knew the Czech Republic through his uncle, the prominent post-war architect Parvan Pop-Jordanov, who lived and worked in Brno and brought him crayons and watercolors, the quality of which could not match the Bulgarian ones. Rumen visited Prague for the first time as a university student and it was one big binge. His second opportunity came when he won the tender of the Ministry of Education for the art curriculum for secondary schools. The reward was the opportunity to be a drawing teacher at the Bulgarian School in Prague, and so he found himself here again in September 1989 and stayed. What followed were years that can without exaggeration be called turbulent. He operated several galleries, devoted himself to free creation and often sold his paintings wet.

One of the important turning points in the artist's career was the moment when he was contacted by a representative of the Paris agency *Claude Robert & Joël Millon. At that time, the owner of the agency Claude Robert characterized his painting as lyrical cubism. This was followed by a trip to Paris and the auction sale of 56 paintings through the Drouot-Richelieu auction house. Thanks to the successful auction sale, he is registered in the MAYER auction catalog and in the Index of Artists on the World Art Market. (

The works of this charismatic artist deal mainly with relationships, they are expressed by dramatic brushstrokes and expressive colors underlined by the sensuality of female lines. His original works are part of private collections in 29 countries, on four continents of the world. The owners of Mr. Sazdov's works include, among others, Prince Kiril Tarnovski, Spanish Marquise Gloria Ferera des Monsolis, Countess Kristine d' Barout, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, Madame Bernadette Chirac, Scorpions guitarist Mr. Schenker, actor Bruce Willis, Ms. Livie Klausová and other important personalities.

In recent years, in addition to the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, he presented his works in New York, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands and France                                                                                                                                         * today Millon & Associés

Document about me by Czech Television ČT2 June 16,2021                                    babylon/421236100152014/ fbclid=IwAR1Yx5xtDwNsYpzl0BC4cDR2UGF8ZuH_qal867oEbAEd25xHayKEGy3wwgI

 Realisations, Projects, Awards

2020 Participation in porcelain project "Prague à la carte"

2018 Participation in unique porcelain project "Blossoms" for 100 years anniversary of Czech Republic

2021-2017 Art decoration of fine dining restaurant Ungelt, Prague

2015 Design project of essential oils bottles and company business presentation (USA)

2014-2013 Eco-Art-Project "Fragile Beings" outdoor sculptures and interior plastics, Prague

2012 Design of wine bottle etiquettes, CZ

2010-2008 Master replicas (real size) of Cardinal Richelieu and King Louis XIV, for hotel in France

2012-2005 Decoration of exclusive private interiors, luxury offices, businesses and others, CZ

2001 Logo and beer etiquettes design for brewery Semipalatinsk (Kaz)

2001-1999 Czech-German Future Foundation, Marketing and Design Campaign

1999 Decorative wooden collages for interiors - company Classic Furniture Prague

2005-1998 Illustrations of seven books, publishing house Pragoline and other

1998 Concert of Rolling Stones - art decoration of private spaces of the band (concert, Prague)

1996 Marlboro Country - brand presentation in Czech Republic

1996 Catalogue and poster for company BONEKA

1997 Interiors art-decorations of htl Ametyst Prague (rooms, public spaces)

1995 Interiors art-decorations of htl Elbeschlossen (room, public spaces)

1993 Fashion Catalogue Magnet/Camif 1996 art-director, CZ

1988 "The White Fairytale", Scenography for the puppet show, Kjustendil, BG

1988 "Love Boulevards" musical, Urban theatre, Kjustendil ,BG

1988 Live performance "Art-Synthetics" Art Youth Urban Festival, Kjustendil, BG

1988 Live performance "The Creation" Installation at Spring municipal festival, Kjustendil, BG

1987 "Stars in the morning sky" decoration of the theatre foyer, Kjustendil, BG

1987 Live performance "Artsyntetica" live painting with music, Kjustendil , BG

1987 Live performance "The Elephants" one man show, Kjustendil, BG

1987 Live performance "Revue" fashion show, dance, music, Kjustendil, BG

1986 Golden plate awards for two the short films "Window" and "Railway Station", Roussee, BG

1983 Municipality prize for document "Customs and Traditions" Trjavna, BG